receptor mediated endocytosis

  • 网络受体介导的内吞作用;受体介导的胞吞作用;受体介导的内吞;受体介导入胞
receptor mediated endocytosisreceptor mediated endocytosis
  1. Results : This complex which containing foreign gene can be delivered into liver cells by receptor mediated endocytosis in an physiological-like way , and after reacted with lysosome , foreign DNA is released and can be translated into protein .


  2. Receptor mediated endocytosis of retinal pigment epithelial cell


  3. Changes of macrophage mitochondrial proton motive force during receptor mediated endocytosis


  4. Electron microscopic studies indicated that endocytosis of ConA belonged to the receptor mediated endocytosis ( RME ), which could be inhibited by low temperature .


  5. The mechanisms across the BBB involve the passive diffusion , the carrier mediated transport , the receptor mediated endocytosis , the absorptive mediated endocytosis ( transcytosis ) and the inhibition of drug efflux from the CNS .
